text creation
We communicate your message into writing – structured, clear and to the point
Finding the right words is not always easy. Especially if your professional focus is elsewhere, you don’t actually have time for additional tasks and then try to put something meaningful down in writing on the side. You notice yourself: That backfires.
When creating texts of any kind, it is important to focus on writing and to stay concentrated. If you get constantly distracted, you will not accomplish anything useful.
Don’t you have the time? We do! Fiebak Medien writes relevant content for your website, landing pages, your Shopify online shop or blog. The creation of SEO texts is also our specialty. Would you like to publish news or press releases? Or do you need texts for your social media channels? Our eloquent verbal acrobats put your message into words that are read and make an impression on the addressees, your target group.
Planning & conception
During the planning stage the main focus is on determining the fundamental factors that have a decisive influence on the successful creation of your desired text. The first question that arises is what you expect to achieve by the written text. Is it about the pure transmission of information or do you want to supply entertainment? Afterwards, the first thing to do is to clearly define the target group to which the text is addressed. Second, it is necessary to name the platform on which to publish. Do you need content for your Wordpress website, your WooCommerce online shop, your blog or social networks?
The more detailed these points are examined in advance and the results are taken into account when developing strategic content, the greater the chance of meaningful written content that will reach the readers.
Text production
On the basis of your complete and coherent briefing which provides us with all the necessary information we will create individual text material according to your specifications. Correct grammar, spelling, punctuation and terminology are self-evident. Just as important, however, are the writing style, the formatting and the use of certain keywords in the right dosage.
Depending on the type of text, the time of publication can play a decisive role. If you know what time of day your target group is most active based on statistics and analyses, you also know the optimal time for publication.
- texts for websites
- SEO texts
- blog posts
- texts for landing pages
Online shops
- news article
- press releases
- product descriptions
- category descriptions
Text correction
Have you already completed your first drafts or a rough draft? Show them to us, we will proofread, add, shorten and simplify your words if necessary so that everyone can understand them. We optimize your text in every respect. Upon request, we will be happy to put scientific texts that are difficult to understand without the appropriate know-how in a generally understandable form.
Text optimization for Google
We write SEO texts primarily for your readers. In order to draw your target group’s attention on your content on Google it is our target to prepare and optimize it. On the one hand, of course, the relevance of the content plays a major role. On the other hand, criteria such as structure, headings, paragraphs, fold-out texts, font, font color, text length and images form the basis for good SEO texts that are found.
We use the WDF * IDF analysis to calculate the relevance of the content in relation to similar content in external texts. This tool also helps us to create unique website texts that have a positive influence on the ranking on Google.