Google ads
We make sure that you are found better
Google search results influence the purchase decisions of many people. When looking for a specific product or service, most people pick up their smartphones or tablets or sit down at their desktop PCs and start Googling for the best provider. If you are smart, you will take advantage of this opportunity to draw attention to your company and its offerings on the world’s most efficient search engine advertising platform through targeted search engine advertising (SEA)
With Google Ads we keep put company on the road to success
As a certified full service Google Ads agency with many years of experience in the field of search engine advertising in B2B and B2C business, Fiebak Medien achieves a higher performance for your ads on Google. We draw from the entire range of SEA marketing such as search ads, display ads, remarketing, Google shopping, mobile marketing, app marketing and mail promotion. When it comes to creating high-quality video ads for YouTube or the Google Display Network, we are your ideal contact here as well.
Less wastage
More turnover
More requests
Budget management
Always keeping your monthly budget in mind, we place high-quality ads in the search engines that guarantee your company first positions in the search results. Google only charges when a user clicks on your ad and lands on your targeted landing page with a clear call to action.
Define goals
Together we define the goals you want to achieve through your Google Ads campaigns. It could be your ambition to increase the number of website visitors, sell products from your online shop or welcome new customers to your store.
Keyword research
Which search terms do potential customers use in connection with your products or services? We deal with this elementary question very intensively. It is the basis for all further measures. Because only by using the appropriate keywords your ad campaign will achieve the desired success.
Competitor analysis
What services and web technologies do competitors and companies in your industry use? These and other aspects are part of the competitor analysis, the purpose of which is to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the competition and use them to the advantage of your ads.
Ad design
We create customized text, image or video ads for you, from which potential customers feel addressed. Our ads reinforce the interest in buying that already exists. In doing so, we do not reach into the bag of tricks, but take the previously gained knowledge as a basis for an effective ad design that can and should be adapted at any time.
Google Ads requires continuous success control and optimization of the ads. Or in other words: How well do the ads work within a certain period of time? Through reports and our knowledge, we uncover potential for improvement in your existing ads and get right to work implementing them.