Turbo boost for your website
Page speed optimization for WordPress
What does Page speed optimization mean?
The term “page speed” means nothing more than the loading time of your website. Don’t keep your website visitors waiting! A check of your website reveals sources of error which we systematically eliminate with the help of page speed optimization.
Google likes it fast
For Google, the loading time of a website is nowadays an official ranking factor. High time to act and push your website to the top places on Google.
Google loves fast websites
Your website visitors also like page speed
Most of them leave your website immediately if the loading time is longer than two seconds. With WordPress page speed optimization, this no longer happens to you. We accelerate the loading process of your website and thus achieve an extraordinarily more attractive surfing experience for your users.
More success for your company
If the number of visitors and the length of stay on your website rise, the chance of conversion increases many times over.
The shorter the loading time of your website, the better the Google ranking will be for you. This in turn is useful to generate new customers and sell more. The extent to which we can carry out page speed optimization depends on various aspects.
WordPress page speed services
Let us speed up your Wordpress website.
Visible content has priority
We reduce the amount of HTML that is required to display "above-the-fold" content so that only content is loaded in the browser's field of vision.
Change the loading order
Any scripts such as Google Maps integrations or animations are computationally intensive functions and are only loaded when required.
HTML, CSS & JavaScript
We reduce and merge HTML, CSS and JavaScript codes. This saves us unnecessary bytes and reduces loading processes.
Adjust image size
Large image files cost too much loading time. That is why we reduce the file size without any loss of quality.
Optimal cache settings
In order to achieve short loading times intelligent page, browser, database and object caching mechanisms must not be ignored.
Compress databases
We remove any index files that are not required, thereby reducing the data transfer. You can look forward to short response times from the databases.